Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rant - Feb 8th/2011

My take on Heaven and Hell.

Heaven and Hell, contrary to what most people believe, are not actual places (physical or spiritual). Instead, they are states of being. When one is at the end of his/her life and they are at peace with their life and what they have done, then that person will be in Heaven. They will have no regrets, no "what ifs", and no unfinished business left in life.

As with everything, there must be a contrast and/or opposite. Hell is the state of being for people who are alternatively not at peace with how they lived their lives (or ended it) and are in utter agony over what should be rather than what is. These people do not want help, they refuse to think about what they have done and how they could change it and ultimately forgive themselves. In the end it all has to come from that person individually. There is no devil with a pitchfork and flames hanging over them until he/it decides you are ready for redemption, that person must forgive themselves for what they did in life (or didn't do) in order to recover from that state of agony and despair.

Of course I could be totally wrong about all of this, but hey, it's just a shot in the dark. I'm spitballing ideas for myself to organize my thoughts and if anyone would like to add to them, any feedback is much appreciated.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My first Rant.

I am starting this rant blog to help me sort out the myriad of thoughts that come tumbling through my mind, to put some order to all the ideas and voices that are constantly vying for control of my intellect. This blog is a tool for me to bounce ideas back to myself that may sound absurd on the surface, and hell, maybe they are, but nothing is outside the realm of possibility in this day and age where discoveries in physics, science, philosophy, and metaphysics are happening every day. This rant blog is my small contribution to the insanity that is the theoretical world of the metaphysical, the concept of consciousness (and perhaps a universal consciousness), and more that is only waiting to be stumbled upon..